pellet cooler
pellet cooler

Among the pellet machine line, pellet cooler is a cheap machine, but it has three functions: 1. Cooling pellets, 2. Drying pellets, 3. Selecting pellets.

The upper part of the pellet cooler is a cabinet, the lower part is a shacking screen. After pelletizing, the pellets’ temperature is high, when they fall into the pellet cooler, the temperature inside cooler gradually decreases from top to bottom. Therefore, the temperature of the pellets is gently reduced during the process of falling. Using this method, pellets do not crack due to sudden temperature drop. At the same time, temperature and the cooling air will remove part of the moisture from pellets.

After cooling process, pellets fall on the lower part – shacking screen. Unqualified pellets will go through the screen’s holes and will be collected together. These unqualified pellets can be used as fuel, which can provide heat for dryer.

The cooled final pellets can be packed into bags directly. Water moisture is about 12%, it is a ideal percent for storage.

We are professional pellet cooler manufacturer in China, if you need reliable pellet cooler supplier, feel free to contact us!