pellet machine
pellet machine
pellet machine
feed pellet mill
feed pellet mill
pellet mill
pellet mill
pellet mill
pellet mill
pellet mill machine
pellet machine
pellet machine

Feed pellets can avoid animal picky, have high feed returns, more economical storage and transportation, good fluidity and easy management; feed pellets can avoid automatic classification of feed ingredients, reduce environmental pollution, and kill salmonella in feed.

Feed pellet machine is divided into two types by structure: flat die and ring die. Flat die pellet machines can be used under household single-phase power. A small feed pellets plant can have several pellet machines combined with other equipments. These pants take small pace, cost little investment and easy to start.

Ring die feed pellet machines are more commercial. Using ring die pellet machines can build workshops with greater output and finer progresses. The capacity of ring die pellet machine is higher. The production process of feed pellets is more complicated than biomass pellets. According to different recipes, feed pellet machine need several raw material silos. Owner can choose manual feeding and automatic feeding.

We are professional pellet machine manufacturer in China, if you need reliable feed pellet machine supplier, feel free to contact us!