pellet machine line
pellet machine line
pellet machine line
pellet machine
pellet machine
Briquette machine
Briquette machine
Briquette machine
PP PE PET PVC Pellet Production Line

A complete pellet machine line including three parts: material pre processing part, pellets forming part and finished pellets collecting part. In detail, it is divided into:

Material pre processing part

  1. debarking process (can be omitted if not in need),
  2. chipping process (can be omitted if the material size is small),
  3. crushing process (can be omitted if the material size is very small),
  4. drying process (can be omitted if the material’s moisture is less than 15%),

Pellets forming part

  1. pelletizing process,

Pellets collecting part

  1. cooling and selecting process (can be omitted if not in need),
  2. packing process (can be omitted if not in need).

Every process should be connected by conveyors. For different materials the plant design will be different, especially for the material pre processing part.

For feed pellets making the processes is different, if you are interested in pellets making, please write us for more details.